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Thursday 1 September 2011

Glass Beach California - Amazing Nature Photos...

Glass Beach is a section of coastline in MacK­er­richer State Park in California. After World War II, it was used as a public dump for two decades until local officials halted the practice. Since that time, the waves have worn smooth the glass shards disposed on the shore.

Some Automobile Manufacturers Headquarters..

Sweet dreams: Newborn babies are picture perfect as they are captured sleeping peacefully

Some would argue that sleep is a foreign concept for most newborn babies - but not according to these incredible pictures.
Tiny children, some just days old, have been pictured in various states of blissful repose and the results are adorable.

One 13-day-old girl lies on a flower bed, another rests its chin on its hand as if contemplating the mysteries of life.
Adorable: A four-week old baby takes a nap on a pink blanket Adorable: A four-week old baby takes a nap on a pink blanket

Deep thinker: This 13-day-old baby girl looks like she has a lot to think about Pensive: This 13-day-old baby girl looks like she has a lot to think about
Further pictures show a baby resting in a plant pot, eyes tight shut, and one snuggled up in a small white basket - with a little hat to keep it's head warm.

They have all been taken by photographers Yvonne Watt and Fiona Potter of Fusion Baby Photography in Strathblane, Glasgow.

The pair ask clients to bring in babies between four and ten days-old so that they can produce a picture to capture the very earliest stage of their lives.
Peaceful: A baby Fairy Queen asleep in her crown, aged just under two weeks Peaceful: A baby Fairy Queen asleep in her crown, aged just under two weeks

Comfortable: A 13-day-old baby girl takes a nap in a little flower nest Comfortable: A 13-day-old baby girl takes a nap in a little flower nest
Ms Watt said: 'This special time comes along only once in the lifetime of a child. Before we know it, this stage is finished and we move on. People come to us because they want to capture this moment and savour it forever.'
The photographers manage to get the babies to sleep because they make them as comfortable as possible, using blankets made of natural fibres.
Carried away: A baby girl wearing a cosy hat takes a nap in a little basket Carried away: A baby girl wearing a cosy hat takes a nap in a little basket

Blossoming: A baby girl even managed to get some shut eye in this large pot Blossoming: A baby girl even managed to get some shut eye in this large pot
The women have five children between them so realise the importance of capturing the early moments before it is too late.

Ms Watt said: 'Often there is so much that is new going on people may overlook the importance of sitting down and doing something special to record this time.
'I didn't do this myself but now at least I have the chance to give other new parents this opportunity.'
Where did I get my hat? Let me think...zzzzzzzz Where did I get my hat? Let me think...zzzzzzzz

Peace at last: Suddenly it's all gone quiet Peace at last: Suddenly it's all gone quiet


Hanging on to any moment, once it's gone, deadens you to
the joys and lessons of the present. You must learn to let go,
to let go of persons, painful situations, even meaningful
experiences. Life does go on, and the most fruitful lesson
before you is to move with the
vibrations, to be in tune with them.
Greet today, skipping, smiling, ready for the answers, the
truths, the directions meant only for you. The wonders
of today will bless you.
Whatever situation you encounter today, believe in its goodness.
It is right for you. It may stretch your patience rather than
welcome laughter, but it is right for you at this time.
Be grateful for the experiences 
today that give you beauty.
Do remember to count your blessings.
The nicest thing about the future is . . ..
That it always starts t

Money will buy a fine dog, but only
kindness will make him wag his tail.

If you don't have a sense of humor,
you probably don't have any sense at all.

A good time to keep your mouth shut
is when you're in deep water.
How come it takes so little time for a child
who is afraid of the dark to become a teenager
who wants to stay out all night?

America And Japan: Comic Comparison
